Installing your Facebook Pixel on your Shopify can seem confusing at first. But thankfully, both Facebook and Shopify have made this process fairly easily.
The Facebook Pixel is a short snippet of code that allows you to track the activity on your website, what we would call in other words, conversion events (this user viewed this page, added this product to cart, or purchased).
If you haven't set up your Business Manager with Facebook that's no problem. You can also access your Facebook pixel as an individual user if you just have your personal ad account. You should still be able to find that in Events Manager.
On the top left, click the hamburger menu and then click Events Manager.
Once in Events Manager, check if you don't already have a Facebook Pixel created. If you don't, click "Add New Data Source" and select "Facebook Pixel."
Name your Facebook Pixel and leave "Check your website for easy setup options" blank.
Select "Add code using a Partner Integration" and select Shopify to find your Facebook Pixel ID. You can also select "Manually add pixel code to website" to find your pixel ID.
On the lefthand panel, select "Online Store" and in the submenu select "Preferences."
Scroll down to the Facebook Pixel section and enter your ID and save.
Head back to Events Manager in Facebook and check to see if the pixel is capturing events. This can take a few minutes to update and if your site doesn't have very many visitors, you may want to wait a couple of hours before checking.
Head over to your Facebook Analytics to see demographic and website behavior data.
In Facebook, now you can properly create Conversion campaigns within Facebook Ads Manager! This will let you create campaigns focused on optimzing towards specific events on your site.